Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Lord of the Flies vs. A Separate Peace Essay Example for Free
Lord of the Flies vs. A Separate Peace Essay In the World Book Dictionary, jealousy is defined as being in an envious condition or feeling. Many can relate to this feeling, because they have personally experienced jealousy before. Although these people may share a similar feeling, the way each individual acts upon his/her feeling is different. Some just ignore their jealous feeling, hoping that it would quickly go away so that they can go on with their daily lives. Others become so overwhelmed that they actually may act on their emotions, expecting that their action would make them feel better. Usually, the contrary occurs. The person does not feel better about himself; instead, bitter feelings, a loss of respect, or even a loss of friendship are common consequences. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the characters Jack and Gene both experience jealously towards another person, and their actions, motivations, and feelings all circumnavigate around jealousy. In Lord of the Flies, once Jack realizes that Ralph is going to become chief, he totally changes and becomes the antagonist. First of all, Jack acts out on his jealousy by attempting to harm Ralph. Although Jacks scheme to kill Ralph is unsuccessful, Ralph is still very close to death. In the novel, the reader knows that Jack is plotting to kill Ralph because Samneric informs Ralph, Theyre going to hunt you tomorrow[Jack] sharpened a stick at both ends. When Samneric reports that Jack sharpened a stick at both ends, they imply that Jacks cult plans to decapitate Ralph and stick the prized possession on an end of the stick like it did to the sow. Jack desires to use the head as an offering for the Beastie, a fictional monster that the boys believe haunts the island. As stated before, Jack decides to create a clan from his motivations that arise because of his jealousy. Moreover, since Jack knows that Ralph is always going to be elected chief no matter how many times the group of boys vote, Jack starts his own clan and elects himself as chief. When he does this, he openly tells his colleagues, Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too. By stating this, he is simply persuading people to support his feat. As Jack plans the death of Ralph, he does not feel any sense of remorse or guilt for plotting to kill his old friend. Jack is just excited that there will be a big hunt for Ralph. Gene also transforms drastically in A Separate Peace after he realizes that he will never be as athletic as Finny. Finny has always been able to accomplish goals and achievements that no one else can reach. Furthermore, Gene becomes jealous. In response to his covetousness, Gene harms Finny by [taking] a step toward [Finny], and then [Genes] knees bent and [Gene] jounced the limb. Gene does this so quickly that he does not realize the consequences in jerking the tree limb. He does not know that his action would affect the rest of Finnys life. Unlike Jack though, Gene does not seek the support of his friends. All Gene wants is for Finny to understand that Gene did not hurt Finny on purpose, and he is greatly sorry. However, when Gene attempts to explain this to Finny, Finny just brushes it off and tries to convince Gene otherwise. He says, I dont know, I must have just lost my balance. It must have been thatI just fell. Another difference is that after Gene shakes the limb and makes Finny fall and break his leg, he feels guilty about his act of jealousy. Gene actually goes up to Finny numerous times to explain that Gene was actually the one who made Finny break his leg, but Finny does not listen. Finny just stubbornly sticks to his reason to [being] clumsy and not watching where [he] was stepping. Ultimately, Gene is immersed with sorrow and guilt. His envy for Finny not only backfires; it creates endless shame and remorse. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the main characters actions, motivations, and feelings are all outcomes of their jealousy towards another. Jack and Gene share the similarity of attempting to harm another due to their envious motivation. Yet, they are different as seen through their ultimate feelings. Both Jack and Gene aspire to become equal to their rivals, even if they must harm their friends to accomplish self-fulfillment. In the end, Gene suffers from guilt while Jack cannot be more pleased when his newly established clan obeys him to kill Ralph. Richard Griper says it best: Jealousy is nothing unless you act upon it.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Effects Of Video Gaming :: essays research papers
My heart hammered in my chest as I raced out of the doorway just ahead of another explosion. Fragments from the blast sent pinpricks of searing pain shooting through my nervous system and gave me a new spurt of energy. Screaming like a madman, I sped across the courtyard and then scrambled over a low wall, falling into what I hoped was some sort of temporary refuge. The constant string of explosions abated, so I attempted to collect myself and take stock of my situation. My injuries weren't all that serious, so I hastily popped a pain pill into my parched mouth and washed it with a refreshing swig of water from my flask. Noting an angle in the wall to my left, I scurried around a small shrub towards the safety of two solid walls at my back and the protective screen of the bush. And I found my salvation there, nestled in the shadows of a recess at the bottom of the wall. Like a jackal to carrion I pounced and scooped my prize up, then crouched in my obscure hiding spot. I tensely scanned through the leaves of the bush in front of me, alert for any hint of movement. My search was almost instantly rewarded, as my pursuer, howling like a banshee, burst through a pair of large wooden gates about twenty yards in front of me. I popped up out of my hiding spot, centered the crosshairs of my newly acquired rocket launcher, and squeezed off a shot just as he turned in my direction. I was close enough to see the look of bloodlust on his face turn to mortal fear in his microsecond recognition of this sudden turn of the tables. The rocket caught him square in the chest, exploded with a satisfying boom, and scattered shards of flesh and gore in all directions. I was safe at last... Right now you might be thinking that I am a covert agent for the CIA, or a bodyguard for a central American drug lord, but with either of those assumptions you would be far off of the correct track. I'm merely a member of the already large and still rapidly growing number of people who regularly play computer video games. Our group is often criticized because of the violent nature and graphic content of many of the games which are currently popular, however I feel that these criticisms are largely unwarranted.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Elementary school Essay
1. 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Family income 2. What are the effects computer online games on the study habits of selected grade VI pupils at San Gabriel Elementary School? 3. Is there any significant difference on the effects of computer online games to the respondents’’ study habits in terms of their profile? HYPOTHESIS This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference on the perception of the respondent between the effects of computer online games and the study habit of grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. This research is important to the Parents of the youth. For them to know what are thing that influence using online games. Also to prevent the bad influence of online games to their children, for parents to be able to protect their children from influence of online games. To the youth, they should know the effects of online games to their study habit. Children should know the limitation of using online games and set their priorities. To the teacher, the second parents of the youth. This research is important to guide them to handle this kind of situation and to know how to assess their pupils. Future researchers can make use the results of this study as a basis for them to conduct similar studies of the effect of the computer online games on the study habits. SCOPE AND DELIMINATION OF THE STUDY This study was conducted at San Gabriel Elementary school to find out the effects of the study habits games on academic performance at selected grade VI pupils for the second semester year 2013-2014. The study made use of descriptive correlation method utilizing the questionnaire checklist to gathered data on the respondents. The respondent of this study were (100) selected grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. This study focused only on the perceptions of the respondent who were being engaged in computer online games. DEFINITION OF TERMS Age is the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to: Computer an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Effects a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause: Elementary Education is used for schools where children from the age of about five receive primary education in some countries. Euphoric characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness Games this is the way of entertaining oneself; Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Pupils a student in school Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. Selected carefully choose as being the best or most suitable Study habits are defined as the regular tendencies and practices that one depicts during the process of gaining information through learning. Your study habits play a big role in determining your success in the learning process. Survey a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population. COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE QUEZON CITY 362 Quirino Highway, Sangandaan Quezon, City 1116* Tel. No: 330-4883/330-3620 CHAPTER 2q REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents review of related literature and studies that were utilized to strengthen the conceptual background of the study including those conducted in the Philippines and abroad. QUESTIONNAIRE DIRECTION: Please fill in the needed information below. Check the ( ) the corresponds to year answer. Name: ________________________________________ Age : ________ sex: ( ) male ( ) female 1. How much your penetration (â€Å"baon†) 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 2. How much your budget to play online games. 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 3. how much you spend time using online games. 1-2 hrs ( )2-3 hrs ( )4-5 ( ) 4. What type of games you like to play the most? ( ) action game ( ) adventure game ( ) racing game ( ) counter strike ( ) DOTA ( ) puzzle and soduko QUESTIONS YES NO 1. Do you love playing computer games? 2. Do you think playing computer games is easily addicted? 3. Do you think addicted to computer games will change your personality? 4. Do you think addicted to computer games brings negative impacts to our daily life? 5. Do you think obsessed on playing computer games will affect your academic results? 6. Do you think we can achieve a balance between playing computer games and studying? 7. Do you think addicted to computer games will affect the relationship with your family members? 8. Do you think discussing computer games always be the topic between you and your friend? 9. Do you think discussing computer games will enhance the relationship between you and your friends? 10. Do you think computer games addiction is a serious problem?
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Truth About Swallowing Spiders in Our Sleep
No matter what generation you grew up in, chances are you heard the rumor that we swallow a certain number of spiders each year as we sleep. The truth is that your chances of swallowing a spider while youre asleep are slim to none. Unlikely Sequence of Events Not a single study has been done to quantify the number of spiders people swallow while sleeping. Scientists dont give this topic a moments glance, however, because its highly unlikely. You can rest peacefully because the chances of swallowing a spider while you are asleep are almost zero. The only reason researchers dont say the chances are zero is that little is impossible. For you to unknowingly swallow a spider in your sleep, a number of unlikely occurrences would have to happen, in sequence: You would have to be sleeping with your mouth wide open. If a spider crawled onto your face and over your lips, you would likely feel it. So a spider would have to approach you by descending from the ceiling above you on a silk thread.The spider would have to hit the targetâ€â€your mouthâ€â€dead center to avoid tickling your lips. If it landed on your tongue, a highly sensitive surface, you would certainly feel it.The spider would have to land at the back of your throat without touching anything on the way in.At the very moment the spider landed on your throat, you would have to swallow. Fear of Humans Spiders arent going to voluntarily approach the mouth of a large predator. Spiders view humans as dangerous to their well-being. Sleeping humans are most likely viewed as terrifying. A slumbering person breathes, has a beating heart, and perhaps snores, all of which create vibrations that warn spiders of imminent threats. We appear as big, warm-blooded, threatening creatures that might eat them on purpose. We Might Eat Spiders While Were Awake Even though the rumor about swallowing spiders in your sleep is untrue, that doesnt mean you dont accidentally eat spiders. Spider and insect parts make it into our food supply every day, and its all FDA approved. For example, according to the FDA, an average of 60 or more bug fragments are in each quarter pound of chocolate. Peanut butter has 30 or more insect fragments per quarter pound. Everything you eat likely has critter parts in it, but this is normal: Its generally impossible to avoid having these mini body parts in our food. As it turns out, however, bits of arthropods in your food wont kill you and in fact, can make you stronger. Protein and nutrient levels in some insects and arachnids match those found in chicken and fish. Dont Trust the Internet To test her theory that people are susceptible to accepting as true anything they read online, Lisa Holst, a columnist for PC Professional in the 1990s, conducted an experiment. Holst wrote a list of fabricated facts and statistics including the folklore about the average person swallowing eight spiders per year and put it on the Internet. As she hypothesized, the statement was readily accepted as fact and went viral. Sources Do People Swallow Eight Spiders Per Year? Defect Levels Handbook. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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