Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Pros And Cons Of Theory In Family Nursing Nursing Essay
The Pros And Cons Of Theory In Family Nursing Essay Humanistic nursing grasps in excess of a big-hearted in fact equipped subject-object single direction relationship guided by a medical caretaker for benefit of another. Or maybe it directs that nursing is a capable looking, value-based relationship whose seriousness requests conceptualization established on a medical caretakers existential attention to self and of the other (Paterson Zderad, 2008) dduncan2011-02-24T17:28:00 Extraordinary statement, you have to incorporate a page numberIn Patersons and Zderads Humanistic Nursing, they accept that nursing is more than having a specialized way to deal with patients, yet in addition to have a mindfulness of themselves and ask into their encounters with patients. Paterson and Zderad propose that medical caretakers have an individual realizing that they can apply to there regular practice understanding. The Humanistic Nursing Theory is one of the numerous speculations that can help shape a medical caretakers activities and guide their training. The Humanist Theory was created by Dr. Josephine Paterson and Dr. Loretta Zderad. Dr. Patersons training foundation incorporated a specialist of nursing science certificate and a significant in general wellbeing. Dr. Zderad instruction foundation remembered a doctorate for reasoning while at the same time studying mental nursing. So also, their exposition papers concentrated on solace and compassion. During the 1950s they had met while working at a University. Together, they built up another program that incorporated mental and network wellbeing parts. This experience was the start of there kinship that endured over 35 years (Paterson Zderad, 2008). Having comparative training foundations, they shared their encounters and bits of knowledge. Together they increased another point of view and way to deal with nursing that drove them into made the Humanistic Nursing hypothesis. In 1976, they distributed their book called Humanistic Nursing. The rational thoughts that shaped the two schol ars see was medical attendants have an instinctive knowing and by thinking about their encounters and increasing more attention to themselves, they are then ready to ask more into their training. dduncan2011-02-24T17:29:00 Language structure issues The Humanistic Theory characterizes the focal point of family nursing by making an interconnection between the medical caretaker and patient or family. As the medical attendant additions attention to their own point of view of the patients circumstance, the attendant is then ready to retain his/her perspective with the goal that they dont meddle in the patient portraying their experience. Through recognizing and retaining individual perspectives, the medical attendant is increasingly open to new and various ideas. Thusly, the medical caretaker acquires comprehension of the people point of view and is better ready to comprehend the patient more intuitively.dduncan2011-02-24T17:31:00 Stephanie, you have to reference these thoughts as they are unmistakably not yours Using instinct permits the medical attendant to impart from a true point of view where the patient is compassionately heard. The medical attendant is better ready to introduce himself/herself as a genuine and certifiable person. Moreover, the humanistic hypothesis recommends that receptiveness, sharing and caring prompts (the) development of (an) individual or (a) bunches rakish perspectives (where) each (are) getting more than previously (Paterson Zderad, 2008). As patients feel acknowledged and thought about, a bond is set up. Through successful correspondence the patient is better ready to get themselves, in this way permitting an open door for them to develop. At the point when patients feel sympathetically heard, it turns out to be increasingly feasible for them to listen all the more precisely to the progression of internal encounters (Rogers, p.116, 1995). Through natural understanding and to an d fro correspondence, patients and medical attendants are better ready to associate with one another. While building up associations with families is a significant possibility in nursing, nurture likewise need to stay aware of the fast changing social insurance framework. A hidden truth in nursing today is that nursing has gotten increasingly specialized. Because of a quick paced medicinal services condition and fast specialized advances, attendants are compelled to stay aware of the quick changing human services framework. Therefore, the medical caretakers relationship with the patient is here and there disregarded (Kleiman, 2008). In addition to the fact that nurses are affected by steady evolving innovation, they are likewise impacted by the legislatures decline in subsidizing of the human services framework. Because of cut backs, emergency clinics have constrained assets and backing for administrations which can bring about expanded nursing remaining tasks at hand. Medical caretakers who work in situations with restricted assets may discover their encounters genuinely testing (McCloskey, 2010, p.234). Medical caretakers make an obstruction with themselves and patients when they feel pressure and uneasiness. Because of stress and specialized advances, attendants may discover trouble in building up veritable remedial associations with patients; along these lines keeping them from rehearsing the Humanistic Theory. While there are underlining realities in nuring that may constrain association with others, the Humanistic Theory empowers me to turn out to be increasingly mindful of my actual self. Through reflection, I am ready to go inwards and increase comprehension of my perspectives and conviction frameworks. People have inside themselves tremendous assets for self-comprehension and for adjusting their self-ideas, fundamental mentalities, and self-coordinated practices (Rogers, 1995, p115). Understanding that a portion of my practices might be obstructing my advancement in building up a restorative relationship with patients, I can make a move and change these practices. The Humanistic Theory causes me comprehend that my viewpoint of the patients experience might be not quite the same as the patients point of view; consequently frustrating my real nearness with the patient. Having mindfulness and making a move, empowers me to feel increasingly engaged. Through increasing more mindfulness and making changes, the Humanistic Theory gives people a chance to self-awareness. Corresponding to self-improvement, the Humanistic Theory empowers me to think about more my nursing practice and to have a more extensive point of view on circumstances. Through impression of my encounters, I am ready to recognize my qualities and shortcoming that might be keeping me down in creating remedial associations with patients. The Humanistic Theory empower me to turn out to be progressively mindful of my propensities for intuition. Besides, the Humanistic Theory impacts me to reflect and change my convictions; in this way permitting me to have a progressively positive and tolerating disposition towards patients. Thusly, my real demeanor impacts patients to feel truly acknowledged and genuinely heard; in this way giving a chance to them to develop. Humanism expects medical attendants to create associations with patients that are grounded on empathic comprehension. This procedure requires an acknowledgment of the uniqueness of every individual and each experience (Scalon, p.7 60, 2006). Through understanding the patient all the more successfully, I am better ready to give nursing care that is increasingly harmonious with where the patient is at throughout everyday life. At the point when I am by and by at the time with a patient, I am ready to impart legitimately to them and feel really compassionate towards them. The experience benefits them, yet in addition offers individual satisfaction and development for myself. Without obstruction, I am ready to convey all the more viably and have all the more understanding toward others; consequently, I feel progressively humane and am ready to extend unqualified love towards others. I can have any kind of effect in ones life. Not exclusively does the humanistic hypothesis permit me to be progressively merciful with patients, yet additionally with staff individuals. Being valid and certified with collaborators, I am ready to set up a deferential connections and make a progressively interconnected workplace. Through making associations with people inside the clinic, a network can be set up. Making an incorporated network will help advance a domain with caring correspondence. Comparable to merciful correspondence, my own convictions are a lot of like the Humanistic Theory approach. I accept that every individual has their own impediments and hindrances that keep them from building up a legitimate association with others. By recognizing those boundaries, they can mend themselves and experience self-improvement to turn out to be progressively present at the time. Numerous people may not know that they themselves are obstructing their own associations with others and even themselves. Also to the humanistic hypothesis, by thinking about every day our practices, particularly the ones that cause distress in us, we can increase a superior comprehension of why we act that specific way. For myself, I appreciate reflecting every day in my diary. I reflect about circumstances that happen in my life and recognize certain examples in my conduct. Through reflection, I am ready to portray how I felt in the experience and what it helped me to remember previously. I under stand that how I felt and how I responded in the experience, was a trigger from a past hurt that I had not totally mended from. Having attention to my experience is like the Humanistic hypothesis viewpoint. Moreover, as long as I stay unhealed, I will keep on anticipating my past issues into the current second; in this manner making a boundary in building up a real connection with others. So also to the humanistic hypothesis, I additionally accept that I can make changes in myself and develop as a person. As I reflect and turn out to be increasingly mindful of myself, I can decide to make changes. Thus, I become more developed and in line with my inward being the place I feel progressively illuminated and engaged throughout everyday life. A portion of my encounters that are compatible with the Humanistic Theory incorporate my associations with companions. For example, when a companion considers me to discuss a troublesome time that they are experiencing, it is just when I am completely present at the time, I am ready to sympathize bolster them through their experience. Corresponding to the humanistic theor
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Flautists Battle To Help Tiny Silent Losses Free Essays
Have you at any point lost somebody near you? You presumably recollect their snickers, and all the recollections you had with them, yet imagine a scenario where you had never shared these minutes. Imagine a scenario in which they had sneaked away before you even gotten an opportunity. Flute players utilized their gifts at London’s Royal Albert Hall yesterday to fund-raise to help raise premature delivery mindfulness. Twenty multi year old Tiana Webb from Croydon chose to set up the show in the wake of enduring her fourth premature delivery in two years, she communicated her sentiments â€Å"I felt so alone, and asked why this continued transpiring, I understood I needed to help accomplish something so other ladies would not need to feel so alone while experiencing such a predicament. Music helped me through the extreme occasions, and as a flute player myself, I figured I could utilize my abilities to help†. We will compose a custom paper test on Flute players Battle To Help Tiny Silent Losses or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Pamphlets were conveyed requesting that all flute players join from everywhere throughout the area, regardless of what their capacity or style in music. Over a hundred and fifty artists approached going from fledglings to experts, youthful to old. Tiana said she was astounded at the measure of help that had been picked up, as she didn't know whether she would be effective. The Miscarriage Association is a foundation set up to help raise premature delivery mindfulness. The cause underpins lamenting lady, be it not long after their unsuccessful labor or some time after by giving data, bolster gatherings and helplines. It likewise offers a help wherein moms can be placed in contact with other ladies who have encountered a misfortune. Unnatural birth cycle realities are very obscure, more than one of every five pregnancies end in premature delivery, a stunning quarter of a million every year in the UK. Ongoing exploration among an example of more than 300 ladies who had encountered misfortune in pregnancy indicated that 45% of ladies didn't feel very much educated about what was befalling them. Just 29% of them felt all around thought about sincerely and almost four out of five got no aftercare. Claire Walker, a representative from TMA said â€Å"we are so appreciative to Tiana and each and every individual who participated in the show. Unsuccessful labor influences such huge numbers of ladies in the public eye and feel it goes un-saw, however this occasion shows that there is promise for them†. Tickets sold out inside seven days of going marked down, filling the superb corridor. Tiana held a bartering of old music, CDs, woodwinds and other melodic hardware, all gave by the artists themselves, of nearby associations. One of the flute players, Multi year old Levi King from East London said †I’m pleased to be a piece of something which is for a decent motivation, the reaction is incredible†. The show was set off with each of the 158 flute players playing Karen Taylor-Good’s tune, ‘Precious Child’ together, which was composed particularly. Karen herself sang the inclination filled words, â€Å"There wasn’t a dry eye in the building†she clarified, â€Å"everyone was clearly very touched†. Rachel Kindler The sound rang, making a nearby air inside. Numerous individuals from the crowd portrayed it as an endearing encounter to be among others with similar emotions, the same number of them had endured an unnatural birth cycle either themselves or in their families. This was trailed by every one of the flute players playing performances, two part harmonies or trios in an assortment of music styles. There were reports that a significant number of them felt favored to have the option to act in the Royal Albert Hall as it was a ‘once in a lifetime experience’. Tiana played 4 individual solo’s, including two that she had thought of herself. Among the melodic pieces, sonnets were perused numerous individuals talked about their encounters, multi year old Sara West recounted to us of her story †I was 20 when I fell pregnant, it was a blend of fervor and stress as I was youthful yet I realized I needed to keep my child, I had a strong accomplice and completed my degree at college. At the point when I prematurely delivered at 10 weeks, I was grief stricken. Words can't portray that it is so difficult to lose something so valuable. Numerous individuals don't get it and are uncaring towards the subject, however coming here today caused me to acknowledge I am not by any means the only one that felt along these lines, and there is support out there for me. I am satisfied to have helped The Miscarriage Association, and appreciative to Tiana for putting such a great amount of work into this event.†The crowd was shocked by the presence of James Gallway, a well known flute player. He played a few pieces, incorporating some with the youths which many felt was contacting. James said that he would not have missed the show for the world, as it was not on a chance to impart his gifts and aptitudes to other people, yet in addition to help bring in cash for a generally excellent reason. The night was finished with an extraordinary firecracker show, and individuals discharging inflatables with messages for their misfortunes inside. It was astounding to see such a large number of individuals meet up to recall quiet misfortunes that a great many people won't know about. The event was obviously fruitful, it raised an astounding à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½10,000 for The Miscarriage Association. Tiana included, †I am overpowered at the measure of help for the cause and the occasion. It is ameliorating to realize that I have helped other lamenting moms, I want to arrange something comparable sooner rather than later. I might want to thank all the flute players for taking part and each and every individual who gave cash to the charity†. Step by step instructions to refer to Flutists Battle To Help Tiny Silent Losses, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing A Good Philosophy Essay About Animals
Writing A Good Philosophy Essay About AnimalsNowadays, many students are taking philosophy courses and choosing philosophy essay topics about animals. Animal rights activism is something that has been gaining steam over the past few years. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, an increasing number of people do not believe that life is sacred, and they want to make sure that it is protected.Many people think that animals are just objects, which are incapable of feeling or experiencing pain. But as they see it, animals also have emotions, thus making them deserving of the same level of care and love as humans.The animals themselves often hold bad motives or don't understand their own actions, but as long as their intention is noble, they can be seen as good intentions, which can be exploited by humans. How then can a person write a well-researched essay about animals? The answer is in the proper use of the thesis statement, the introduction and the conclusion.Ph ilosophical essay topics about animals will need to be well-written and concise, and you may wish to avoid including irrelevant details. Instead, you should focus on providing information that is grounded in the facts and supported by plausible evidence.In a college or an ethics class, this type of writing may seem incredibly difficult. However, if you read about Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, and Kant, you will find that they all wrote about topics about animals with an intensity that was incredibly difficult to emulate. Although there are some people who are able to express themselves extremely well, most of us cannot.One way to ease yourself into philosophy essay topics about animals is to try to learn about the topic before tackling it. While you may not know everything that you need to know, you should be able to gain some knowledge about the topic, which will help youto think more clearly and to make a more effective argument.When you begin your philosophical essay topic s about animals, you should learn more about each topic, including the history of the word, its definitions, its meaning, and even some facts that are related to that topic. When you learn a little bit about the topic, you will have a better understanding of how to properly address the issue.The best way to learn about animal rights and how to address it is to take a class or to read about the topic. By doing so, you will be able to learn how to properly state your opinion, and you will also be able to see what arguments will be effective, and which ones won't.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay about Character Analysis Blanche Dubois - 2108 Words
Tennessee Williams was a well known Modern English playwright. He was born in Columbus, Mississippi and moved to St. Louis, then to Memphis, and later graduated from the University of Iowa in 1983. Williams began to turn his short stories into plays and later on into films. His wildest audiences were in contemporary dramatic literature. Williams’s plays have been produced in England, France, Hally, Germany, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Cuba and Mexico. One of William’s most intriguing plays is Streetcar named Desire. Streetcar was produced around 1947. The â€Å"setting of Streetcar†is a combination of raw realism and deliberate fantasy†(Riddel 16). The main character of the play is Ms.†¦show more content†¦She had many ways to gussy up, Blanche always needed compliments and admiration to get throughout the day. Stella exclaims â€Å"and admire her dress and tell her she’s looking wonder ful. That’s important with Blanche†(Williams 33). In the dimness preferred â€Å"she smells sweet and appears on the outside†(Clough n.p.). Blanche owned pieces of clothing that seem to be expensive but really were just cheap pieces of clothing. Not so promising to Stanley, â€Å"look at these furs that she comes here to preen herself in! Whats this here? A solid gold dress, I believe! And this one! What is these here? Fox pieces! Genuine fox fur-pieces, a half a mile long†(Williams 35). Blanche also had what was assumed to be expensive jewelry collection but was just simple costume jewelry. â€Å"And diamonds! A crown for an impress!†(Williams 36). â€Å"She perceives herself as a beautiful object which has to be properly decorated in order to sell well†(Oklopcic n.p.). Even with a great outer appearance Blanche was still ugly on the inside and she knew this. She hated looking at herself in the mirror or being in front of Mitch without being properly dressed. Blanche portrayed herself as having manners, she expected men to stand at her appearance and grant her withShow MoreRelatedBlanche Dubois Character Analysis767 Words  | 4 PagesBlanche portrays herself as a refined and sophisticated woman, but when you get further into the story you realize that she’s neither of those things. Blanche pretends to be innocent and good while she has a very arresting past. Implying unhappy sexual relationships, alcohol abuse, and death, which she wants to hide from others. Blanche likes to seek approval from everyone she meets because it makes her feel wanted and loved. But, she feels complete loneliness even when she’s surrounded by othersRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Blanche Dubois And Stanley Kowalski s Performance1442 Words  | 6 PagesCharacter is how a person acts when no one else is looking. As a person is portrayed and perceived they are better understood when unveiling the true personality of an individual rather than their false persona. Both Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski s performance vary and differ depending on the situation and the person of interaction. Blanches fluctuating performance and actions can be found countless times in the book A Street Car Named Desire. To analyze this personality aspect, BlancheRead More Character Analysis of Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire2156 Words  | 9 PagesCharacter Analysis of Blanche Through Text and Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire         Tennessee Williams was once quoted as saying Symbols are nothing but the natural speech of drama...the purest language of plays (Adler 30). This is clearly evident in A Streetcar Named Desire, one of Williamss many plays. In analyzing the main character of the story, Blanche DuBois, it is crucial to use both the literal text as well as the symbols of the story to get a complete and thorough understandingRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Blanche Dubois In A Streetcar Named Desire1811 Words  | 8 PagesThe damaged character of Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire is led to her own psychological death due to her tendencies towards idealism. The streetcar that held the name desire promised a future for Blanche, it held empty promises of fulfillment that caused an immense amount of pain in miss Duboiss life. The car took her away from her own life and brought her to her own psychological graveyard hidden behind the promise of a perfect and respectful fu ture. The first stop of desire was a transferRead MoreEssay on A Streetcar Named Desire - DIALECTICAL JOURNALS1121 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Quote Analysis Literary Features â€Å"They told me to take a street-car named Desire, and transfer to one called Cemeteries, and ride six blocks and get off at - Elysian Fields!†(Scene 1, Page 6) Sexual desires are a common interest several people tend to have and Blanche Dubois significantly portray and represents the theme of sexual intimacy in A Street Car Named Desire as Tennessee Williams uses allegory, allusion, symbolism, and foreshadow in order to demonstrate how do Blanche’s â€Å"trip†throughRead MoreSymbolism Of A Street Car Named Desire And The Yellow Wallpaper1487 Words  | 6 Pagesas a technique to show how the characters may be feeling and what they really represent. A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams symbolizes the main character Blanche DuBois as that to a moth. The story is of a fragile and neurotic woman on a desperate need for someplace in the world to call her own. Blanche DuBois, after being exiled from her hometown of Laurel, Mississippi, for seducing a seventeen-year-old boy at the school where she taught English, Blanche explains her unexpected appearanceRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams928 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis Paper: A Streetcar Named Desire For my analysis paper, I have chosen the full-length play by Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire. The drama containing several forms of realism was released in December of 1947 and stayed open on Broadway for two years until December of 1949. The play in set in New Orleans, Louisiana in a simi-poor area, but has a certain amount of charm that goes along with it. Williams creates a vast web of emotional conflicts thought all the characters, whichRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire Dialect Journal726 Words  | 3 PagesDesire Dialect Journal Chosen Quote Response and Analysis â€Å"I don t want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don t tell the truth, I tell what ought to be the truth. And if that s sinful, then let me be damned for it!†This quote from the main character in the play, Blanche DuBois, describes perfectly the fantasy world she lives in and her false sense of reality. Just as Blanche avoids being in bright lights to hide her appearanceRead MoreAnalysis of the Women Image, Blanche and Stella, in Tennessee Williams’ a Streetcar Named Desire2909 Words  | 12 PagesANALYSIS OF THE WOMEN IMAGE, BLANCHE AND STELLA, IN TENNESSEE WILLIAMS’ A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE 1. Background of Analysis A streetcar Named Desire is a stage play that written by Tennese Wiliams. It first published in 1947 and takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. In this play, Williams presents women as powerless, weak, and passive characters who are tightly linked to their persecutors due to economic, social, and physical needs. During the time period of Tennessee Williams, author of theRead MoreMany Elements of Tragedy in Streetcar Names Desire by Tennessee Williams2554 Words  | 11 Pagesliteracy criticism/ analysis paper is to demonstrate how the critic used literary devices such as character, setting, theme, and imagery to critique the authors work. The Critic Henthorne claims that the character Blanche DuBois often played a victim in the play. She is a protagonist in the play A Streetcar Named Desire. She described her as a prostitute in the little town in which she was brought up and that the love of her life was devoted to coarseness. Blanche DuBois is a character capable of inspiring
Friday, May 15, 2020
Events that Took Place in The Fall of the Roman Empire...
-----The fall of the Roman Empire marked the end of one of the greatest and longest-lived empires in the ancient world. The official date of the fall of the Roman Empire is often considered to be the date of when the barbarian general Odoacer overthrew the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 CE (Nardo-2004 97). The demise of this Empire was a result of multiple internal and external causes. The first plague that contributed to this decline and fall was the Antonine plague, which started around 160 during Marcus Aurelius’s reign (Sabbatani). The Antonine plague was followed by the Plague of Cyprian, which lasted twice as long as its predecessor, decimated the population, killing between twenty to thirty†¦show more content†¦From the east, the Sassanid Persians made in-roads into Roman territory and began attacking Rome’s borders from their lands farther into Asia (Spielvogel 186). The Sassanids were Mesopotamian Persians, and wer e always an enemy and threat to Rome since their first appearance as a prominent power in the third century C.E. (Sassanid). Beginning around 230, the Goths, a Germanic tribe, also began raiding the northern border provinces of Rome (Nardo-2004 24). It was this group that would turn out to be one of Rome’s greatest problems from the barbarian tribes. These invasions resulted in multiple changes in the Empire that ultimately weakened it. As the various invading tribes moved into Roman territory, they destroyed the farmland and fields they passed through. This decreased agricultural production in the Empire (Spielvogel 186). Then, in the late fourth century, the Huns moved west out of Asia, forcing the German barbarian tribe of Visigoths, a sub-tribe of the Goths who had previously invaded Rome, to move south and west into Roman territories. They were allowed to remain on Roman land for a time, but when the Romans tried to force the tribe out, the Visigoths fought back, leading to a great military defeat for the Roman Army in 378 at Adrianople in Greece (Spielvogel 187). The Roman Empire was never able to recover the numbersShow MoreRelatedHistory And Advances Of The Christian Church Essay1003 Words  | 5 Pageslearn the history and advances of the Christian Church. As students, we analyze cultural texts and describe meaningful events to develop an answer to â€Å"who,†â€Å"what,†and â€Å"why†there is a transcendent God. This composition will focus the historical-social context, ecclesial context, and modifications to the Church that occurred from three critical events; Fall of the Roman Empire, World War II, and the Celebration of the Holy Year by Pope John Paul II. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
APUSH Out of Many Chapter 14 notes - 2593 Words
Chap 14-The Territorial expansion of the United States A. Community: TexansTEJAOS â€Å"Remember the Alamo.†1. 1836, Santa Anna(President of Mexico) came to subdue Texas-1,500 Mexican died, Texas defenders(failed)- â€Å"remember the Alamo†eventually forced Santa Anna to recognize Texas independence. 2. Tejanos(S. Texans)-favored A. Settlers for their economic plan-authorized A. Colonies w/in Texas(central/ east)-attracted ppl from Miss. Valley-introduced slaverycotton-Tejanos, both wealthy rancherospoor cowboy/tenant farmer(vaqueros/peones). 3. Politicalsocially unstable first after revol. At 1821-Liberals favored loose federal union but strong states-Texas(not a state) favored local control-Liberals controlled Mexican†¦show more content†¦In particular. 2.After Panic of 1837, more convinced that prosperity depended on trade w/Asia-looked for W.harbor (Puget Sound in Oregon, San DiegoFrancisco at Mexican controlled CA)-Sullivan was Democrat-supported expansion,but Whigs opposed itfavored industrialization bc fear expansion of slavery. 3.Democrats also feared industrialization welcomed by Whigs-viewed as economic depression-Panic of 1837 caused by uncontrolled growthsocial unrest-seek for TJ’s agrarian society to balance(also bc many were S. Who practiced cotton production)-Average farmers moved for land hunger,national pride,curiosity, sense of adventure. The Overland Trials: 1.Overland Trail from Missouri R. To OregonCA long,dangerous,tediousexhausting-separated from familyhomeland-still streamed to W.(5Ã¥ Æ'to O,3Ã¥ Æ'CA in 184548)-bc provided economic opportunities healthy surrounding(appeal to panic of 1837malaria stroke farmers), also bc men seeking for sense of adventurewomen seeking for ideal home-travel in group bc fear of nativesneed help passing rivermt- often elected a leader of the â€Å"train†-democratic but not accepted unanimously- everyone had to accept benefit/bad of new community. 2.Route dangerpoorly supplied(mtriver),worst in way toward CA-(Sierra Nevada-Donner party- cannibalism)-wagons endangered by illnessaccident-Indian attack-few, but whiteShow MoreRelatedBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words  | 44 Pagesstudents will probably conclude that England’s efforts were most successful, though students should not be penalized for other conclusions, provided that they provide a persuasive rationale. Note the limits of the question in terms of place and time. Discussing the sugar colonies in the West Indies would be ruled out by the phrase â€Å"eastern seaboard of North America.†While the question focuses on colonies established prior to 1660, the documents refer to some things that happened later and a student couldRead MoreApush Notes: Conquering a Continent 1861-1877 Essay2517 Words  | 11 PagesCheyanne Ervin APUSH, Period: 2 Ms. Check 14 January 2013 Chapter 16: Conquering a Continent, 1861-1877: * Essential Question: What factors helped advance the integration of the national economy after the Civil War? Section 1: The Republican Vision: * Integrating the National Economy: * Reshaping the former Confederacy after the Civil War supplemented a Republican drive to strengthen the national economy to overcome limitations of market variations that took place under previous Democratic
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Crucible with Related Text free essay sample
Belonging can be defined as the process of the association with the human race as socially active characters. It is part of the human condition which represents the need for security, safety and acceptance. An aspect of belonging such as isolation can be associated with the concept of belonging, as not belonging is a reciprocal process of belonging. Belonging allows for the authentication of characters through the formation of identity and connections. Belonging is the human need for wellbeing, acceptance and social security. One belongs to a group, a family, a unit, and one can also be isolated from groups and rejected from communities.Through analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the feature article, A Dangerous mind offers an insight into the concept of belonging as it is presented and substantiated through the use of literary devices. In The Crucible, belonging is explored through a theme of persecution, whereby one must conform to the rules of society in order to belong. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crucible with Related Text or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The alternative is ali/enation and displacement. The central aspects of reputation and empowerment are explored through a variety of literary techniques. Miller’s use of juxtaposition highlights characters and emphasises upon their social faction. Danforth’s ultimatum, â€Å"A person is either with this court or must be courted, there is no road between†conveys the two juxtaposing positions in the society, whereby one either belongs or does not. The contrast here lies in the divide between individuality and social conformity. This is portrayed by Abigail’s calling of Proctor as the â€Å"devil’s man†who put knowledge in my heart. †clearly trying to label Proctor as an outsider, as well as the characterisation of John Proctor as a non-conformist through his desperate rejection of the labels society places upon him.He cries, â€Å"It is my name! I cannot have another in my life†¦ leave me my name! †Conveying that his name and is his individuality of which the society is attempting to strip from him. Without it, he is nothing. Proctor’s counterpart is Abigail, a girl who was characterised by her isolation and displacement from majority of Salem. She has no power, possession, belonging, or respect. She is an outcast who desires to belong as shown by Miller through the emotionally charged plea of Abigail â€Å"I am a good girl, a proper girl! She made me do it! . It is with great dramatic irony that the same child whom attains belonging by accusing others would ask Danforth â€Å"Let you beware Mr Danforth. Think you be so mighty that the power of hell may not turn your wits? †This is demonstrating both dramatic and verbal irony of her actions and the establishments of her ignorance. On the other hand Danforth is the personified symbol of rigid social bonds. He calls out to Goody Nurse â€Å"Do you know who I am? Mrs. Nurse†showcasing how his place in society calls for respect and power. His statement of oppressive power over those who belong to his address is further reflected in his parable â€Å"Hang them high over the town, who weeps for these, weeps for corruption. †Suggesting that his power holds hostage over the belonging of those who may rebel, thus showing the power of belonging in creating identities and the human need for acceptance and security. The Crucible is a reflection of how society treats those who belong and those who do not, and the community of Salem echoes the obsession with prejudgment in today’s societies, thus resulting in a characters tendency to either belong or not belong.The text that reflects these notions of belonging is the feature article, A Dangerous Mind, by Robert Wainwright and Paola Totaro. The text details the issues of Martin Bryant, a psychotic teenager whose life of rejection and isolation was ultimately resulted in the Port Arthur Massacre. A series of historical rhetorical events â€Å"enrolment at school o nly sparked a cycle of rejection and isolation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"Kids understood automatically that he was someone to stay away from†conveyed his inability to belong. The story utilises a juxtaposition of two periods of his life. In the past despite his isolation, he had a loving mother, a supporting father, and lastly a romantic relationship with an older woman who loved him. â€Å"Under the constant care and vigil of Maurice and Helen†¦ his years passed uneventfully. †However his family and romantic connections were separated as his parents passed away. Martin’s isolation is metaphorically described as â€Å"His loss was complete†¦ he was without a rudder and a moral compass†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The last days before Martin committed the worst massacre in Australian history is described through the simile. â€Å"He was like a Labrador puppy†¦ always trying to impress somebody. The text strongly specifies the power of belonging and the importance of acceptance and family. Martin’s actions are not different to those of Abigail because he is a victim of conformity. As a result, he commits something terrible as revenge and as a way to draw attention to himself. These two texts have demonstrated to the responder the concept of belonging and its aspects such as isolation and not belonging through a variety of devices and techniques. These allow the responder to practically connect and enable us to satisfy the human condition of belonging.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Major Political Parties
Political parties play an important role in the political system of the world today. They play the role of bringing together people with similar political positions and interests. Through political parties, the power game in politics is executed because for one to become a political leader, the channel is via a political party. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Major Political Parties specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Similarly, in most cases, voting by the elector is usually based on ideologies that are shared by a political party and not necessarily the individual contesting for a position. Usually there are two major political parties in any election contest in a two party system and the presence of third parties only has some effect on the entire process but can never win an election. There has been substantial development of political parties with change in era and time. This paper highlights some of these developments with a detailed look at some of the major political parties of the world today and their policies on foreign affairs, economy and balancing of the budget. It also touches on the role that third parties play and the impact they have to the political system. To support this, the focus will be on the political system and political parties of the US. In the United States, the two major political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The third parties in the US are several and the three major third parties include constitution Party, Green Party, and the Libertarian Party (Crane , 12). Currently in the US, the federal government is administered by the Democratic Party with Mr. Obama as the president and head of state. The party shares several ideologies and beliefs of social liberalism. It has ever supported minority groups that include farmers, labor workers and minority religions and minority ethnic groups. Most people of black American descent and Latino Americans share the same positions and interests with the party’s and therefore a huge number of them belong to the party.Advertising Looking for research paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The party also opposes ideas that create unregulated business operations in the US. They have sponsored several bills in the senate that supports increase in minimum wages. The 2007 Fair Minimum Wage Act is one of the bills that have been supported by democrats and passed. The Democratic Party believes in a structured tax system that reduces inequality in the economy (Grigsby , 106). The republicans during the Bush regime, created cuts in taxation for rich and wealthy Americans including the middle class. But to create equality and reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, the Obama administration has allowed tax cuts for the rich to expire so that they pay more tax. At the same time taxation cuts for the middle class has been allowed to continue. There is a general support for more budgetary allocation to departments of social services such as health care, and welfare programs. Removing these services from American citizens is like bringing social injustice. Attempts by the Republicans to remove these services were strongly opposed by the members of the Democratic Party (Thompson and Hickey , 89). If the government provides these services to the citizens, it creates an opportunity of freedom to everyone. The PAYGO rule of budget was actually reinstated after a move by the democrats to push for its reinstatement. Democrats also have a liberal and progressive stand on issues to do with the environment, trade, education, the rights of the gay community, and research on embryonic stem cell. Their foreign policy is based on internationalism of which intervention is permitted. They supported the use of military intervention in order to fight terrorism and bring to justice those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Major Political Parties specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But in the recent past the president has opposed further involvement of the military in Afghanistan calling for a surge of the troops. There is however area where both Democrats and Republicans speak in one voice. This is the issue of Israel in the Middle East region. The Republican Party on the other hand has a conservative nature of ideologies and principles. On the economy, they believe that capitalism and free market contribute greatly towards building the economy (Gienapp , 56). To them the role of assisting the poor should be the responsibility of the private sector and not the government. And therefore they do not support government funding of social services such as health care and education. On international policies, the republicans have always been in support of militar y intervention to bring stability within a region. It was during a republican regime that there have been most wars that the US military has involved itself in. The republicans also form the majority of the people in the US military. The US has a two party political system with democrats and republicans being the main one. However there are other third parties that usually only play the role of a spoiler during elections (Thompson and Hickey , 67). Candidates from these parties rarely do win elections and at the moment there have only been two senators from third parties who have won election since 1990. Whenever there are big issues that are overlooked by the two big parties, they can cause and force attention in these issues. Works Cited Crane, Michael. The Political Junkie Handbook: The Definitive Reference Books on Politics . New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.Advertising Looking for research paper on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gienapp, William. The Origins of the Republican Party. New York: Harvard University Press, 1989. Grigsby, Ellen. Analyzing Politics: An Introduction to Political Science. Florence: Cengage Learning, 2008. Thompson, William and Joseph Hickey. Society in Focus. Boston: Pearson, 2005. This research paper on Major Political Parties was written and submitted by user Marcus Evans to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Band-Aid Essay Example
Band Band-Aid Essay Band-Aid Essay Essay Topic: A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings The House Of the Seven Gables Places Siem Reap (literally â€Å"Siam Defeated†) is undoubtedly Cambodia’s fastest growing city and serves as a small charming gateway town to the world famous destination of the Angkor temples. Thanks to those Cambodia attractions, Siem Reap has transformed itself into a major tourist hub. It is laid-back and a pleasant place to stay while touring the temples. Siem Reap offers a wide range of hotels, ranging from several 5-star hotels to hundreds of budget guesthouses while a large selection of restaurants offer many kinds of food.Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple situated atop a 525 meter (1,722 ft) cliff in the Dangrek Mountains, on the border between Cambodia and Thailand. It has the most spectacular setting of all the Khmer temples. Most of the temple was constructed in the 11th and 12th century during the reigns of the Khmer kings Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II. It was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Preah Vihear is the subject of a long-running territoria l dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, and several soldiers were killed in clashes in 2009.Sihanoukville, also known as Kampong Som, is a port city and beach resort on the Gulf of Thailand. The big attraction here are the white-sand beaches and several undeveloped tropical islands. Sihanoukville is a good place to relax and unwind, though be prepared to battle the crows during the high season or a holiday weekend. Angkor is the greatest attraction in Cambodia and one of the most spectacular ancient sites on earth, Angkor is a vast temple complex featuring the remains of several capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century AD.These include the famous Angkor Wat temple, the world’s largest single religious monument, the Bayon temple (at Angkor Thom) with its multitude of massive stone faces and Ta Prohm, a Buddhist temple ruin entwined with towering trees. Banteay Srei Although officially part of the Angkor complex, Banteay Srei lies 25 km (15 miles) n orth-east of the main group of temples, enough to list it as a separate Cambodia attraction here. The temple was completed in 967 AD and is built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still clearly visible today.Banteay Srei is the only major temple at Angkor not built for a king, instead it was constructed by one of king Rajendravarman’s counselors, Yajnyavahara. Koh Ker was the capital of the Khmer empire for a very brief period from the year 928 to 944 AD. In this short time some very spectacular buildings and immense sculptures were constructed. The site is dominated by Prasat Thom, a 30 meter (98 ft) tall temple pyramid rising high above the surrounding jungle. A giant Garuda (mythical half-man, half-bird creature), carved into the stone blocks, still guard the very top, although its partially covered now.Left to the jungle for nearly a millennium, Koh Ker was one of Cambodia’s most remote and inac cessible temple destinations. This has now changed thanks to recent de-mining and the opening of a new toll road. Crafts Indigenous people represent 1. 4 percent of the total population in Cambodia, and the majority of them live in remote rural areas within the country. Often referred to as highlanders, their ways of life are different from the lowlanders, both from the cultural and economic perspective.Handicrafts are part of their traditional culture and their livelihood as they produce textiles, baskets, jars, pottery, and other tools for their daily use. Many indigenous groups have established small enterprises and produce traditional products to generate supplementary income in order to support their livelihood. The handicraft sector provides vital employment opportunities to most indigenous artisans and disadvantaged people, especially women who are struggling for survival. Silk weaving in Cambodia dates to as early as the first century since textiles were used for trading.Mod ern textiles have traces of motifs imitating clothing details on ancient stone sculptures. There are two main types of Cambodian weaving: 1. ikat technique (Khmer term: chongkiet) To create patterns, weavers tie and dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begins. Patterns are diverse and vary by region; common motifs include lattice, stars, and spots. 2. uneven twill It yields single or two-color fabrics, which are produced by weaving three threads so that the color of one thread dominates on one side of the fabric, while the two others determine the color on the reverse side. Traditionally, Cambodian textiles have employed natural dyes coming from: a. insect nests Red dye b. indigo Blue dye c. prohut bark- Yellow and Green dye d. ebony bark- Black dye Cambodias modern silk-weaving centers are Takeo, Battambang, BeanteayMeanchey, Siem Reap, and Kampot provinces. Silk-weaving has been revived in the past ten years and now provides employment for many rural women. Cambodian silk is generally sold domestically, where it is used in sampot (wrap skirts), furnishings, and pidan (pictoral tapestries).Now, it has seen an increase in export viability. Cotton textiles have also played a significant role in Cambodian culture. Though today, Cambodia imports most of its cotton, traditionally woven cotton remains popular. Rural women often weave homemade cotton fabric, which is used in garments and for household purposes. Krama, the traditional check scarves worn almost universally by Cambodians, are made of cotton. INDONESIA Places Bali is one of the world’s most popular island destinations and one which consistently wins travel awards.The varied landscape, rugged coastlines, tropical beaches, lush rice terraces and volcanic hillsides all provide a picturesque backdrop to its colorful, deeply spiritual and unique Hindu culture. The combination of friendly people, a magnificently visual culture infused with spirituality and spectacular beaches with great surf ing and diving have made Bali the unrivaled number one tourist attraction in Indonesia. Borubudur is located 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Yogyakarta on Java, the Borobudur is the one of the most famous Buddhist temple in the world.The Borobudur was built over a period of some 75 years in the 8th and 9th centuries by the kingdom of Sailendra, out of an estimated 2 million blocks of stone. It was abandoned in the 14th century for reasons that still remain a mystery and for centuries lay hidden in the jungle under layers of volcanic ash. Today it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Indonesia. Lombok’s most popular tourist destination, the Gili Islands are an archipelago of three small islands: Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air.The islands are very relaxed and laid-back, with countless little beachside cafes still playing reggae and no cars or motorbikes to disturb the peace. Note that the name â€Å"Gili Islands†is rather redundant as gili si mply means â€Å"small island†in Sasak and there are many other islands around the coast of Lombok with Gili in their names. Torajaland (Tana Toraja) is a highland region of South Sulawesi, home of the Toraja people. Torajans are famous for their massive peaked-roof houses known as tongkonan and spectacular but gruesome funeral rites.After a person’s death, the body is kept – often for several years – until the actual funeral ceremony which can last for several days. The deceased is then finally buried in a small cave or in a hollow tree. Gunung Bromo is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java. At 2,329 meters (7,641 feet) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but it is the most well known. The area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Indonesia and Java. The top of the volcano has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white smoke.It is surrounded by the Sea of Sand of fine volcanic sand. The over all effect is unsettlingly unearthly. Crafts The fabric most common to both countries is the Batik. The term â€Å"batik†is an Indonesian Malay word, believed to be related to the Malay word â€Å"titik†, which means ‘point’, ‘dot’ or ‘drop’. The â€Å"drop†action refers to the process of dyeing the fabric by making use of a resist technique: covering areas of cloth with a dye-resistant substance (usually hot wax) to prevent them from absorbing colors. This technique is has been taught for over a thousand years.Shadow Puppetry is famous in Indonesia. Wayang, in modern Indonesian language means show or perform. Kulit means skin, a reference to the leather material that the figures are carved out of. Others say that wayang is also attributed to the Indonesian word bayang which means shadow. Wayang Kulit–is a type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indo-Malayan archipelago, tracing its origins to India. It is derived from a Javanese Hindu-Buddhist tradition, where hand-crafted leather puppets depict epic stories of the gods in shadow play.A traditional Gamelan orchestra would accompany the story-telling. The puppets are moved behind a cotton or linen screen by a Dalang, or apuppetmasterin a shadow puppet play. The Dalang tells the story, interprets and voices each character, producing sound effects with speech and movement and manipulates all the figures between the lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life. Most shadow play is based on two epic stories from India the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. The Balinese and Javanese have combined the Hindu stories with Buddhist and Muslim ideas mixed with their own folklore. MYANMAR PlacesThe Shwedagon Pagoda;officially titled Shwedagon Zedi Daw, also known in English as the Great Dagon Pagoda and theGolden Pagoda, is a 99 metres (325 ft) gilded pagoda and stupa located in Yangon, Burma. Bagan, in the past which was known as Pagan, is the place where the heart of the country ancient architecture lies. It is located in the upper part of Myanmar and is the capital of Myanmar’s first dynasty. Pagodas can be found mostly covered in reddish color and religious monuments which were built more than 1,500 years ago and it can be said that Bagan, is the most memorable place for visitors coming to Myanmar.Golden Rock, in Myanmar language known as KyiteHteeYoe Pagoda is one of the breath-taking and also a sacred place for Myanmar people. It is located in Mon State and perched on the highest mountain of Paunglaung mountain range. Ngapali is located in Rakhine State and stretches along the Bay of Bengal and it lies in Rakhine State of Myanmar. Ngapali is said to be one of the best beaches in Myanmar where most natural are untouched where visitors can enjoy the true nature of the beach itself. It is famous for its natural and unspotted beauty up to this day. MALAYSIA PlacesThe Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur were the world’s tallest buildings before being surpassed in 2004 by Taipei 101. However, the towers are still the tallest twin buildings in the world. The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia’s Muslim religion. The Petronas Twin Towers feature a sky bridge between the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floors. The Sultan Ahmad Shah State Mosque is Pahangs state mosque. It is located in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.The Mulu Caves are located in the Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysian Borneo. The park encompasses incredible caves and karst formations in a mountainous equatorial rainforest setting. The Sarawak chamber found in one of the underground caves is the largest cave chamber in the world. It has been said that the chamber is so big that it could accommodate about 40 Boeing 747s, without overlappi ng their wings. The Perhentian Islands are the must-go place in Malaysia for budget travelers. They have some of the world’s most beautiful beaches and great diving with plenty of cheap accommodation.The two main islands are Perhentian Besar (â€Å"Big Perhentian†) and Perhentian Kecil (â€Å"Small Perhentian†). Both the islands have palm-fringed white sandy beaches and turquoise blue sea. Crafts Wau Kite in Malay is a uniquely designed Malaysian kite called Wau. This kite-making tradition comes naturally to Malaysian people, especially in the Eastern States of the Malayan Peninsula. Farmers used kites as scarecrows in the fields and as a means to lull their children to sleep, so they could work with little interruption. THAILAND Places Ayuthaya was founded in 1350 AD by King U Thong as the second capital of Siam after Sukhothai.Throughout the centuries, the ideal location between China, India and the Malay Archipelago made Ayutthaya the trading capi tal of Asia. The city was re-founded a few kilometers to the east of the ruins, which now form the Ayutthaya historical park. Most of the remains are temples and palaces, as those were the only buildings made of stone at that time. Ko Phi Phi is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group, and is the only island with permanent inhabitants while the smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is very popular as a beach or dive excursion.Chiang Mai is one of the top Thailand attractions. The famous Night Bazaar sprawls along several city blocks along footpaths, inside buildings and temple grounds. It has handicrafts, arts, clothing and and imported products of all descriptions, and a number of large, well-appointed modern shopping centers. At first, the market was owned by Chinese merchants, but since it grew in size as more commercial buildings were built, it was no longer owned by a single group of people. Crafts WoodcarvingBeau tiful hardwoods have long been used by the craftsmen not only to bedeck wats and homes, but also to fashion charming carriages, palanquins, barges and elephant howdahs. Wood is used to make an array of domestic items. Royal throne and barges are graceful examples of the art of woodcarving. The doors, windows and gables of the temples feature delicate and unique designs. Lacquerware Chiang Mai is known for fine lacquerware. Conventionally, black resin of Lak tree is used to make it. The resin is applied to the base of bamboo or teak, adorned with designs made from natural pigments.However, commercial producers use different techniques. Ceramics Ceramics articles were first developed in Thailand in the Sukhothai era. Glazed green-blue celadon was most famous among these. Then crude but colorful ceramics made in Ayutthaya became popular. The Chinese made ceramics with Thai patterns and exported them to Siam, the then Thailand. The designs incorporated images from Hindu and Buddhist myt hology, as well as flower motifs. Thai Silk The skill of silkworm raising probably came to Thailand from China.Silk of north east Thailand, with its peculiar texture and iridescent colors, has been a traditional folk craft, specially of village women. They raise silkworms, spin and dye the threads, and then weave the fabric of handlooms. The dazzling cloth manufactured by them has always been the prized possession of the nobility. Silverware Silverware has been a popular craft in Thailand, particularly in Chiang Mai region. The products incorporate many styles, including flame and floral patterns as well as Buddhist images and mythical figures. The silversmiths were held with reverence in the society.Nielloware This special metalwork is used to adorn betel boxes, trays, vases and other small boxes. It is an ancient art of applying an amalgam of metals to carved portions of gold or selver objects against black backgrounds or vice versa. The Thais learned this art from India. LAOS Pla ces Located in Vientiane, Pha That Luang (â€Å"Great Stupa in Lao†) is one of the most significant monument in Laos. The stupa has several terraces with each level representing a different stage of Buddhist enlightenment. The lowest level represents the material world; the highest level represents the world of nothingness.The Mekong is Southeast Asia’s greatest river with an estimated length of 4,350 km (2,703 miles). Laos actually has the greatest share of the Mekong River. With few good roads and mountainous terrain, the river is Laos’ principal transportation. The Upper Mekong in Laos is considered one of the most stunning journeys of the entire river. Vang Vieng is a riverside town, located in central Laos about a 4 hour bus ride north of the capital. The main street is full of guest houses, bars, restaurants, internet cafes, tour agencies, and tourists.The area’s main attraction is the dramatic karst hill landscape surrounding Vang Vieng . Crafts In this country, they make paper by hand in the wider region for over 700 years using the bark of the local sa or mulberry tree. The bark is crushed and soaked in water until it dissolves into a paste. The liquid is then scooped out, poured through a bamboo sieve and finally placed in a thin layer on a bamboo bed and dried in the sun. Traditionally sa paper was used for calligraphy and for making festive temple decorations, umbrellas, fans, and kites.In former times it was also used as a filter in the manufacture of lacquerware. VIETNAM Places With seven stories, the Thien Mu Pagoda in Hue is the tallest pagoda in Vietnam. The pagoda overlooks the Perfume River and is regarded as the unofficial symbol of the former imperial capital. The temple was built in 1601 during the rule of the Nguy? n Lords. The initial temple was very simply constructed, but over time it was redeveloped and expanded with more intricate features. Ha Long Bay is situated in north Vietnam round a 120 kilometer long coast line and is literally translated as â€Å"Bay of Descending Dragons†.The top tourist attraction in Vietnam, Ha Long Bay features thousands of islands, each topped with thick jungle vegetation, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Several of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves, others islands include lakes and some support floating villages of fishermen. Nha Trang is Vietnam’s most popular seaside resort town located along the second most beautiful bays in the country. It features beautiful beaches with fine and clean sand and clear ocean water with mild temperatures.The city has about 300,000 inhabitants and is more lively and urban in character than other beach destinations like Mui Ne and Phu Quoc. It’s also the scuba diving center of Vietnam. Crafts Vietnamese silk painting is one of the most popular forms of art in Vietnam, favored for the mystical atmosphere that can be achieved with the medium. Dur ing the 19th and 20th centuries, French influence was absorbed into Vietnamese art and the liberal and modern use of color especially began to differentiate Vietnamese silk paintings from their Chinese or Japanese counterparts.Vietnamese silk paintings typically showcase the countryside, landscapes, pagodas, historical events, or scenes of daily life. SINGAPORE Places Merlion Park is located at One Fullerton, Singapore near the Central Business District (CBD) area of Singapore. This park is a popular tourist attraction. There are two structures of the Merlion located at the park with one standing at 8. 6 metres which is the original Merlion statue and a 2-metre tall Merlion cub located just behind the original statue.The park is also a major tourist attraction and a landmark of Singapore. Beaches of Sentosa This sun-kissed route begins at Sentosa Island’s westernmost beach, Siloso, and ends at its easternmost, Tanjong Beach. For proponents of barefoot running, this route is one of the few in Singapore that allows for a shoeless jog. For those who think that is an open invitation for injuries, a jogging track runs parallel to the beaches. Frequently littered with beautiful bodies, this route is also the best for people-watching or showing off.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Kansas city History museum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Kansas city History museum - Research Paper Example what was formerly the Conservatory, the Carriage House where the previous owner’s daughter Loula Long Combs displayed her trophies from being a famous equestrienne, and the Corinthian Hall, which is a four-story residence housing seventy rooms. At present, both the Carriage House and Corinthian Hall are closed to the public for renovation (Leathem nd Smith 8). Still, even if there are active renovations going on, the site is still open daily to accept visitors. Visitors need only go to the Museum Visitor Center so the museum can provide guides for visitors who are knowledgeable in the history of Kansas City and the family background of the previous owners of the land. At the StoryTarium, there is frequent showing of films with historical value, like Bad Blood, which is a classic pre-Civil war film. Around the museum property, there are colorful informational sections showing the expected outcome of the renovations being done at the Carriage House and the Corinthian Hall. There are regular picnickers who frequent the place to stay at the open areas and just enjoy the sight of Kansas City’s cityscape. The long’s residence was completed in 1910 and the family lived there for 24 years. Robert Long’s two daughters were already married and living in separate homes, while his wife died in 1928. When Robert Long passed away in 1934, a two-day auction was held. After that, nobody occupied the house until five years later when the Kansas City Museum Association formed the museum in 1939 and held its grand opening in May 1940. Kansas City earned the property’s title in 1948, and in 1967, tax collection was established to fund the museum’s operations. In 1980, the property was listed under the National Register of Historic Places. The museum’s staff is comprised mostly of dedicated individual volunteers of the Musettes and the Women’s Division. They worked tirelessly in education, fundraising, exhibits, and collection development either on-site or within the
Friday, February 7, 2020
The Employment Relationship, Employment Discrimination and Employment Assignment
The Employment Relationship, Employment Discrimination and Employment Regulation - Assignment Example This essay is to build awareness among the readers regarding complex standoffs and dilemmas involved in employment, ignorance from which may lead to harrowing scenarios. Mostly, an employment relationship is a contractual or legal link between employers and employees. All the reciprocal rights, obligations and disciplinary principles decided between employers and workers originate from the foundation of the employment relationship. The existence of an employment liaison is the condition that determines the way labor and social security law provisions addressed to employees can be applied. The importance of this relationship can be judged by the fact that it is the key reflective point for determining the nature and extent of employers rights and obligations towards their workers. With the growing incidents of inconveniences faced by workers all over the globe owing to the ambiguities related to the privacy and termination issues involved in the nature of this relationship, this issue has bagged more and more important in the workplaces. It goes without saying that the root cause of the mounting misunderstandings between employers and employees is th e disguised nature of the employment relationship. The most basic privacy rights of workers that need to be handled carefully include the right to protect the privacy of social security numbers, personnel records, telephonic conversations and the right to disallow listening to all electronic communication systems. Furthermore, many federal and statutory laws emphasize on protecting the privacy of employees’ medical records and information and background screening. Background screening actually identifies different background checks and records that are required by some employers as a part of workers recruiting process. An employer is not allowed to probe endlessly into the worker’s private issues in life. Different state laws and employment legislatures restrict the type of background information.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Lord of the Flies vs. A Separate Peace Essay Example for Free
Lord of the Flies vs. A Separate Peace Essay In the World Book Dictionary, jealousy is defined as being in an envious condition or feeling. Many can relate to this feeling, because they have personally experienced jealousy before. Although these people may share a similar feeling, the way each individual acts upon his/her feeling is different. Some just ignore their jealous feeling, hoping that it would quickly go away so that they can go on with their daily lives. Others become so overwhelmed that they actually may act on their emotions, expecting that their action would make them feel better. Usually, the contrary occurs. The person does not feel better about himself; instead, bitter feelings, a loss of respect, or even a loss of friendship are common consequences. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the characters Jack and Gene both experience jealously towards another person, and their actions, motivations, and feelings all circumnavigate around jealousy. In Lord of the Flies, once Jack realizes that Ralph is going to become chief, he totally changes and becomes the antagonist. First of all, Jack acts out on his jealousy by attempting to harm Ralph. Although Jacks scheme to kill Ralph is unsuccessful, Ralph is still very close to death. In the novel, the reader knows that Jack is plotting to kill Ralph because Samneric informs Ralph, Theyre going to hunt you tomorrow[Jack] sharpened a stick at both ends. When Samneric reports that Jack sharpened a stick at both ends, they imply that Jacks cult plans to decapitate Ralph and stick the prized possession on an end of the stick like it did to the sow. Jack desires to use the head as an offering for the Beastie, a fictional monster that the boys believe haunts the island. As stated before, Jack decides to create a clan from his motivations that arise because of his jealousy. Moreover, since Jack knows that Ralph is always going to be elected chief no matter how many times the group of boys vote, Jack starts his own clan and elects himself as chief. When he does this, he openly tells his colleagues, Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too. By stating this, he is simply persuading people to support his feat. As Jack plans the death of Ralph, he does not feel any sense of remorse or guilt for plotting to kill his old friend. Jack is just excited that there will be a big hunt for Ralph. Gene also transforms drastically in A Separate Peace after he realizes that he will never be as athletic as Finny. Finny has always been able to accomplish goals and achievements that no one else can reach. Furthermore, Gene becomes jealous. In response to his covetousness, Gene harms Finny by [taking] a step toward [Finny], and then [Genes] knees bent and [Gene] jounced the limb. Gene does this so quickly that he does not realize the consequences in jerking the tree limb. He does not know that his action would affect the rest of Finnys life. Unlike Jack though, Gene does not seek the support of his friends. All Gene wants is for Finny to understand that Gene did not hurt Finny on purpose, and he is greatly sorry. However, when Gene attempts to explain this to Finny, Finny just brushes it off and tries to convince Gene otherwise. He says, I dont know, I must have just lost my balance. It must have been thatI just fell. Another difference is that after Gene shakes the limb and makes Finny fall and break his leg, he feels guilty about his act of jealousy. Gene actually goes up to Finny numerous times to explain that Gene was actually the one who made Finny break his leg, but Finny does not listen. Finny just stubbornly sticks to his reason to [being] clumsy and not watching where [he] was stepping. Ultimately, Gene is immersed with sorrow and guilt. His envy for Finny not only backfires; it creates endless shame and remorse. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the main characters actions, motivations, and feelings are all outcomes of their jealousy towards another. Jack and Gene share the similarity of attempting to harm another due to their envious motivation. Yet, they are different as seen through their ultimate feelings. Both Jack and Gene aspire to become equal to their rivals, even if they must harm their friends to accomplish self-fulfillment. In the end, Gene suffers from guilt while Jack cannot be more pleased when his newly established clan obeys him to kill Ralph. Richard Griper says it best: Jealousy is nothing unless you act upon it.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Effects Of Video Gaming :: essays research papers
My heart hammered in my chest as I raced out of the doorway just ahead of another explosion. Fragments from the blast sent pinpricks of searing pain shooting through my nervous system and gave me a new spurt of energy. Screaming like a madman, I sped across the courtyard and then scrambled over a low wall, falling into what I hoped was some sort of temporary refuge. The constant string of explosions abated, so I attempted to collect myself and take stock of my situation. My injuries weren't all that serious, so I hastily popped a pain pill into my parched mouth and washed it with a refreshing swig of water from my flask. Noting an angle in the wall to my left, I scurried around a small shrub towards the safety of two solid walls at my back and the protective screen of the bush. And I found my salvation there, nestled in the shadows of a recess at the bottom of the wall. Like a jackal to carrion I pounced and scooped my prize up, then crouched in my obscure hiding spot. I tensely scanned through the leaves of the bush in front of me, alert for any hint of movement. My search was almost instantly rewarded, as my pursuer, howling like a banshee, burst through a pair of large wooden gates about twenty yards in front of me. I popped up out of my hiding spot, centered the crosshairs of my newly acquired rocket launcher, and squeezed off a shot just as he turned in my direction. I was close enough to see the look of bloodlust on his face turn to mortal fear in his microsecond recognition of this sudden turn of the tables. The rocket caught him square in the chest, exploded with a satisfying boom, and scattered shards of flesh and gore in all directions. I was safe at last... Right now you might be thinking that I am a covert agent for the CIA, or a bodyguard for a central American drug lord, but with either of those assumptions you would be far off of the correct track. I'm merely a member of the already large and still rapidly growing number of people who regularly play computer video games. Our group is often criticized because of the violent nature and graphic content of many of the games which are currently popular, however I feel that these criticisms are largely unwarranted.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Elementary school Essay
1. 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Family income 2. What are the effects computer online games on the study habits of selected grade VI pupils at San Gabriel Elementary School? 3. Is there any significant difference on the effects of computer online games to the respondents’’ study habits in terms of their profile? HYPOTHESIS This study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference on the perception of the respondent between the effects of computer online games and the study habit of grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY. This research is important to the Parents of the youth. For them to know what are thing that influence using online games. Also to prevent the bad influence of online games to their children, for parents to be able to protect their children from influence of online games. To the youth, they should know the effects of online games to their study habit. Children should know the limitation of using online games and set their priorities. To the teacher, the second parents of the youth. This research is important to guide them to handle this kind of situation and to know how to assess their pupils. Future researchers can make use the results of this study as a basis for them to conduct similar studies of the effect of the computer online games on the study habits. SCOPE AND DELIMINATION OF THE STUDY This study was conducted at San Gabriel Elementary school to find out the effects of the study habits games on academic performance at selected grade VI pupils for the second semester year 2013-2014. The study made use of descriptive correlation method utilizing the questionnaire checklist to gathered data on the respondents. The respondent of this study were (100) selected grade VI pupils of San Gabriel Elementary school. This study focused only on the perceptions of the respondent who were being engaged in computer online games. DEFINITION OF TERMS Age is the length of time during which a being or thing has existed; length of life or existence to the time spoken of or referred to: Computer an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Effects a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause: Elementary Education is used for schools where children from the age of about five receive primary education in some countries. Euphoric characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness Games this is the way of entertaining oneself; Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. Pupils a student in school Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. Selected carefully choose as being the best or most suitable Study habits are defined as the regular tendencies and practices that one depicts during the process of gaining information through learning. Your study habits play a big role in determining your success in the learning process. Survey a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population. COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE QUEZON CITY 362 Quirino Highway, Sangandaan Quezon, City 1116* Tel. No: 330-4883/330-3620 CHAPTER 2q REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents review of related literature and studies that were utilized to strengthen the conceptual background of the study including those conducted in the Philippines and abroad. QUESTIONNAIRE DIRECTION: Please fill in the needed information below. Check the ( ) the corresponds to year answer. Name: ________________________________________ Age : ________ sex: ( ) male ( ) female 1. How much your penetration (â€Å"baon†) 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 2. How much your budget to play online games. 10-25 Pesos ( )30-40 Pesos ( )50-100 Pesos ( ) 3. how much you spend time using online games. 1-2 hrs ( )2-3 hrs ( )4-5 ( ) 4. What type of games you like to play the most? ( ) action game ( ) adventure game ( ) racing game ( ) counter strike ( ) DOTA ( ) puzzle and soduko QUESTIONS YES NO 1. Do you love playing computer games? 2. Do you think playing computer games is easily addicted? 3. Do you think addicted to computer games will change your personality? 4. Do you think addicted to computer games brings negative impacts to our daily life? 5. Do you think obsessed on playing computer games will affect your academic results? 6. Do you think we can achieve a balance between playing computer games and studying? 7. Do you think addicted to computer games will affect the relationship with your family members? 8. Do you think discussing computer games always be the topic between you and your friend? 9. Do you think discussing computer games will enhance the relationship between you and your friends? 10. Do you think computer games addiction is a serious problem?
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Truth About Swallowing Spiders in Our Sleep
No matter what generation you grew up in, chances are you heard the rumor that we swallow a certain number of spiders each year as we sleep. The truth is that your chances of swallowing a spider while youre asleep are slim to none. Unlikely Sequence of Events Not a single study has been done to quantify the number of spiders people swallow while sleeping. Scientists dont give this topic a moments glance, however, because its highly unlikely. You can rest peacefully because the chances of swallowing a spider while you are asleep are almost zero. The only reason researchers dont say the chances are zero is that little is impossible. For you to unknowingly swallow a spider in your sleep, a number of unlikely occurrences would have to happen, in sequence: You would have to be sleeping with your mouth wide open. If a spider crawled onto your face and over your lips, you would likely feel it. So a spider would have to approach you by descending from the ceiling above you on a silk thread.The spider would have to hit the targetâ€â€your mouthâ€â€dead center to avoid tickling your lips. If it landed on your tongue, a highly sensitive surface, you would certainly feel it.The spider would have to land at the back of your throat without touching anything on the way in.At the very moment the spider landed on your throat, you would have to swallow. Fear of Humans Spiders arent going to voluntarily approach the mouth of a large predator. Spiders view humans as dangerous to their well-being. Sleeping humans are most likely viewed as terrifying. A slumbering person breathes, has a beating heart, and perhaps snores, all of which create vibrations that warn spiders of imminent threats. We appear as big, warm-blooded, threatening creatures that might eat them on purpose. We Might Eat Spiders While Were Awake Even though the rumor about swallowing spiders in your sleep is untrue, that doesnt mean you dont accidentally eat spiders. Spider and insect parts make it into our food supply every day, and its all FDA approved. For example, according to the FDA, an average of 60 or more bug fragments are in each quarter pound of chocolate. Peanut butter has 30 or more insect fragments per quarter pound. Everything you eat likely has critter parts in it, but this is normal: Its generally impossible to avoid having these mini body parts in our food. As it turns out, however, bits of arthropods in your food wont kill you and in fact, can make you stronger. Protein and nutrient levels in some insects and arachnids match those found in chicken and fish. Dont Trust the Internet To test her theory that people are susceptible to accepting as true anything they read online, Lisa Holst, a columnist for PC Professional in the 1990s, conducted an experiment. Holst wrote a list of fabricated facts and statistics including the folklore about the average person swallowing eight spiders per year and put it on the Internet. As she hypothesized, the statement was readily accepted as fact and went viral. Sources Do People Swallow Eight Spiders Per Year? Defect Levels Handbook. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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